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Arcana Clay is a Guelph, Ontario based clay collective. We welcome you to look around and be part of the process that we are undertaking with clay.
The project was started in 2020 as a response to the changes in the world. Fortunately, we connected with Guelph ceramic artist Chris Hierlihy, who provided the opportunity to fire and glaze our work, and added valuable feedback and encouragement. (Chris is a great potter, teacher and mentor).
Started amidst much unknown, we wanted to create a space to share the process and the evolving results. Sharing this work with you has become an absolute joy, notes from folks who have bought things or just commented have created a real sense of connection. Thank you.
Check out the shop, We ship worldwide.
Get in touch, we'd love to hear from you. You can follow us on Instagram @arcanclay and feel free to contact us via email.
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